How much is a Note worth?

It is up to you to decide how much a Note is worth.  Neither Folio Investing nor Lending Club provide investment advice and you should consult your financial advisor if you have questions about the value of a Note.
Information regarding the loan status, term remaining, Borrower payment history, and the Borrower’s most recent credit score, as well as other factors, may impact the way that buyers and sellers value the corresponding Note.  
Buyers should be aware that some sellers list Notes for an Asking Price that is greater than the total value of the outstanding principal and accrued interest, or that have a status of “Past Due.”  Prior to submitting any purchase order, Buyers should understand how these and other factors affect the expected yield to maturity of any Note.
If you want to buy a Note corresponding to a loan that is past-due, you may be interested in historical information about loan status migration provided by Lending Club, which can help you understand how the status of loans has changed historically over time. Please keep in mind that past performance is not a guarantee of future results and that actual loan status migration may vary significantly from historical migration.

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